You can create your own email template for more customized reporting
Existing email report templates are located in the “MailTemplates” directory.
They can be edited with a text editor and copied to create new templates. The format of the templates includes standard MIME encapsulation headers and definitions for multipart messages (HTML and embedded graphics).
PathSolutions’ TotalView will pre-process the template and add data elements using the %ELEMENT% replacement strings.
Available replacement strings are as follows:
%% Prints percent sign
%ADMINDOWN#% Prints the number of admin down interfaces
%ADMINDOWN% Prints a text table of admin down interfaces
%ADMINDOWN*% Prints an HTML table of admin down interfaces
%ANALYZETICKCOUNT% Prints the number of ticks (ms) required during the last poll to analyze all data
%ANALYZETICKCOUNTAVG% Prints the average number of ticks (ms) required to analyze all data
%BACKUP-STATUS% Status of Last backup
%CAPTURE-FULL%"- device backup
%CAPTURE-SHORT% - first 5 lines of capture-full
%COMMENT-END% Ends a comment area
%COMMENT-START% Starts a comment area that won’t be sent in the email
%COMPANYNAME% Prints the company name
%CUSTOMERLOCATION% Prints the licensed customer location
%CUSTOMERNUMBER% Prints the licensed customer number
%DATE% Prints current date
%DEVICE-ADMINDOWN% Prints the number of admin down interfaces on the device
%DEVICE-AGENT% Prints the device agent (IP address)
%DEVICE-CONTACT% Prints the device configured contact (sysContact)
%DEVICE-CONTRACT-DATE% Prints the configured device service contract date
%DEVICE-CONTRACT-ID% Prints the configured device ID number associated with the service contract
%DEVICE-CONTRACT-PHONE% Prints the configured device service contract phone number
%DEVICE-CPU% Prints the device current CPU utilization graph (Cisco IOS only)
%DEVICE-DAILY-CPU% Prints base64 encoding of the daily CPU utilization graph (Cisco IOS only)
%DEVICE-DAILY-JITTER% Prints base64 encoding of the daily jitter graph (VoIP only)
%DEVICE-DAILY-LATENCY% Prints base64 encoding of the daily latency graph (VoIP only)
%DEVICE-DAILY-LOSS% Prints base64 encoding of the daily loss graph (VoIP only)
%DEVICE-DAILY-MOS% Prints base64 encoding of the daily MOS graph (VoIP only)
%DEVICE-DAILY-RAM% Prints base64 encoding of the daily RAM utilization graph (Cisco IOS only)
%DEVICE-DAILY-UTIL% Prints base64 encoding of the daily device overall utilization graph
%DEVICE-DESCRIPTION% Prints the configured device description
%DEVICE-GROUP% Prints the configured group for the device
%DEVICE-INT-DESCRIPTION% Prints the device internal description (sysDescr)
%DEVICE-INTERFACES% Prints the number of interfaces for the device
%DEVICE-LOCATION% Prints the device configured location (sysLocation)
%DEVICE-MONTHLY-CPU% Prints base64 encoding of the monthly CPU utilization graph (Cisco IOS only)
%DEVICE-MONTHLY-JITTER% Prints base64 encoding of the monthly jitter graph (VoIP only)
%DEVICE-MONTHLY-LATENCY% Prints base64 encoding of the monthly latency graph (VoIP only)
%DEVICE-MONTHLY-LOSS% Prints base64 encoding of the monthly loss graph (VoIP only)
%DEVICE-MONTHLY-MOS% Prints base64 encoding of the monthly MOS graph (VoIP only)
%DEVICE-MONTHLY-RAM% Prints base64 encoding of the monthly RAM utilization graph (Cisco IOS only)
%DEVICE-MONTHLY-UTIL% Prints base64 encoding of the monthly device overall utilization graph
%DEVICE-NAME% Prints the device configured name (sysName)
%DEVICE-NUMBER% Prints the device number
%DEVICE-OPERDOWN% Prints the number of oper down interfaces on the device
%DEVICE-RAM% Prints the device current RAM utilization graph (Cisco IOS only)
%DEVICE-SERIALNO% Prints the device serial number (Cisco IOS only)
%DEVICE-WEEKLY-CPU% Prints base64 encoding of the weekly CPU utilization graph (Cisco IOS only)
%DEVICE-WEEKLY-JITTER% Prints base64 encoding of the weekly jitter graph (VoIP only)
%DEVICE-WEEKLY-LATENCY% Prints base64 encoding of the weekly latency graph (VoIP only)
%DEVICE-WEEKLY-LOSS% Prints base64 encoding of the weekly loss graph (VoIP only)
%DEVICE-WEEKLY-MOS% Prints base64 encoding of the weekly MOS graph (VoIP only)
%DEVICE-WEEKLY-RAM% Prints base64 encoding of the weekly RAM utilization graph (Cisco IOS only)
%DEVICE-WEEKLY-UTIL% Prints base64 encoding of the weekly device overall utilization graph
%DEVICE-YEARLY-CPU% Prints base64 encoding of the yearly CPU utilization graph (Cisco IOS only)
%DEVICE-YEARLY-JITTER% Prints base64 encoding of the yearly jitter graph (VoIP only)
%DEVICE-YEARLY-LATENCY% Prints base64 encoding of the yearly latency graph (VoIP only)
%DEVICE-YEARLY-LOSS% Prints base64 encoding of the yearly loss graph (VoIP only)
%DEVICE-YEARLY-MOS% Prints base64 encoding of the yearly MOS graph (VoIP only)
%DEVICE-YEARLY-RAM% Prints base64 encoding of the yearly RAM utilization graph (Cisco IOS only)
%DEVICE-YEARLY-UTIL% Prints base64 encoding of the yearly device overall utilization graph
%EMAILADDRESS% Prints the email address(es) that this email will be sent to
%ENDIF% Ends a conditional IFSTATUS section
%ENDIF-CISCO% Ends conditional for Cisco device
%ENDIF-VOIP% Ends conditional for VoIP License
%ENTITY-NAME% The name of the device, interface that is generating the alert. This can be used to correlate multiple alerts together that are all associated with a single problem.
%FAVORITES% Prints a text table of favorite interfaces
%FAVORITES*% Prints an HTML table of favorite interfaces
%GUID% A unique identifier for this specific alert. This can be used to de-duplicate alerts.
%IFDEVICE-CISCO% Prints the following if it is a Cisco device
%IFLICENSE-VOIP% Prints the following if the system is licensed for VoIP
%IFSTATUS-DEGRADED% Prints the following if there are issues
%IFSTATUS-GOOD% Prints the following if there are no issues
%INT-ADMINSTATUS% Prints the current admin status of the interface
%INT-ADMINSTATUSLAST% Prints the last admin status of the interface
%INT-ALIAS% Prints the interface alias
%INT-CURRERRPCT% Prints the current (last poll) error rate of the interface
%INT-CURRRXUTIL% Prints the current (last poll) receive rate of the interface
%INT-CURRTXUTIL% Prints the current (last poll) transmit rate of the interface
%INT-DAILY-BCSTS% Prints base64 encoding of the daily broadcasts graph
%INT-DAILY-BPS% Prints base64 encoding of the daily bits per second graph
%INT-DAILYERRORRATE% Prints the daily peak error rate
%INT-DAILYERRORRATECOLOR% Prints the daily peak error rate color
%INT-DAILY-ERRORS% Prints base64 encoding of the daily errors graph
%INT-DAILY-PCT% Prints base64 encoding of the daily percentage graph
%INT-DAILY-PKTS% Prints base64 encoding of the daily packets graph
%INT-DAILY-PPCT% Prints base64 encoding of the daily peak percentage graph
%INT-DAILYRXRATE% Prints the peak daily receive rate
%INT-DAILYRXRATECOLOR% Prints the peak daily receive rate color
%INT-DAILYTXRATE% Prints the peak daily transmit rate
%INT-DAILYTXRATECOLOR% Prints the peak daily transmit rate color
%INT-DESCRIPTION% Prints the interface description
%INT-DUPLEX% Prints the interface duplex of the interface
%INTERFACES% Prints the number of monitored interfaces
%INT-MONTHLY-BCSTS% Prints base64 encoding of the monthly broadcasts graph
%INT-MONTHLY-BPS% Prints base64 encoding of the monthly bits per second graph
%INT-MONTHLY-ERRORS% Prints base64 encoding of the monthly errors graph
%INT-MONTHLY-PCT% Prints base64 encoding of the monthly percentage graph
%INT-MONTHLY-PKTS% Prints base64 encoding of the monthly packets graph
%INT-MONTHLY-PPCT% Prints base64 encoding of the monthly peak percentage graph
%INT-NAME% Prints the interface name
%INT-NUMBER% Prints the interface number
%INT-OPERSTATUS% Prints the current oper status of the interface
%INT-OPERSTATUSLAST% Prints the last oper status of the interface
%INT-POEMAXDRAW% Maximum power draw of an interface
%INT-POESTATE% Current PoE state
%INT-RXBROADCAST% Prints the receive broadcast rate of the interface
%INT-SPEED% Prints the interface speed of the interface
%INT-TXBROADCAST% Prints the transmit broadcast rate of the interface
%INT-WEEKLY-BCSTS% Prints base64 encoding of the weekly broadcasts graph
%INT-WEEKLY-BPS% Prints base64 encoding of the weekly bits per second graph
%INT-WEEKLY-ERRORS% Prints base64 encoding of the weekly errors graph
%INT-WEEKLY-PCT% Prints base64 encoding of the weekly percentage graph
%INT-WEEKLY-PKTS% Prints base64 encoding of the weekly packets graph
%INT-WEEKLY-PPCT% Prints base64 encoding of the weekly peak percentage graph
%INT-YEARLY-BCSTS% Prints base64 encoding of the yearly broadcasts graph
%INT-YEARLY-BPS% Prints base64 encoding of the yearly bits per second graph
%INT-YEARLY-ERRORS% Prints base64 encoding of the yearly errors graph
%INT-YEARLY-PCT% Prints base64 encoding of the yearly percentage graph
%INT-YEARLY-PKTS% Prints base64 encoding of the yearly packets graph
%INT-YEARLY-PPCT% Prints base64 encoding of the yearly peak percentage graph
%ISSUES#% Prints the current number of issues
%ISSUES% Prints a text table of current issues
%ISSUES*% Prints an HTML table of current issues
%LICENSEDAYSLEFT% Prints the number of licensed days remaining
%LICENSEDINTERFACES% Prints the licensed interface count
%LICENSEEXPIRATION% Prints the license expiration
%NETWORK-SERVICE-NOTIFY% Service Monitor Email Recipient
%NETWORK-SERVICE-PORT% Service Monitored Port
%NEXT-HOP-CUR% Prints the Current Next Hop Address for the Route Alert
%NEXT-HOP-PREV% Prints the Previous Next Hop Address for the Route Alert
%OID-DESCR% OID Description
%OID-DEVICE-IP% OID Device IP address
%OID-INTERFACE% OID Interface number
%OPERDOWN#% Prints the number of oper down interfaces
%OPERDOWN% Prints a text table of oper down interfaces
%OPERDOWN*% Prints an HTML table of oper down interfaces
%OUTPUTTICKCOUNT% Prints the number of ticks (ms) required during the last poll to write output information
%OUTPUTTICKCOUNTAVG% Prints the average number of ticks (ms) required to write output information
%PHONE-CUR-DEV% Prints the Phone Currently Connected Device
%PHONE-CUR-INT% Prints the Phone Currently Connected Interface
%PHONE-IP% Prints the Phone IP Address
%PHONE-MAC% Prints the Phone MAC Address
%PHONE-MFG% Prints the Phone Manufacture
%PHONE-PLATFORM% Prints the Phone CDP/LLDP Info
%PHONE-PREV-DEV% Prints the Phone Previously Connect Device
%PHONE-PREV-INT% Prints the Phone Previously Connected Interface
%POLLDELAY% Prints the current configured poll delay
%POLLFAILSECONDS% Prints the number of seconds that the last poll failed by
%POLLFAILTABLE% Prints the text version of the poll fail table
%POLLFAILTABLE*% Prints the HTML version of the poll fail table
%POLLHOURS% Prints the configured poll delay hours
%POLLMINUTES% Prints the configured poll delay minutes
%POLLSECONDS% Prints the configured poll delay seconds
%POLLTICKCOUNT% Prints the number of ticks (ms) required during the last poll to collect SNMP information from all devices
%POLLTICKCOUNTAVG% Prints the average number of ticks (ms) required to collect SNMP information from all devices
%PRODNAME% Prints the product name
%PRODNUMBER% Prints the product license number
%RESELLERNUMBER% Prints the reseller number
%REVISION% Prints the revision of the program
%ROUTE-IP% Prints the Network for the Route Alert
%ROUTE-MASK% Prints the Network Mask for the Route Alert
%ROUTE-MASK-BITS% Prints the Network Mask in / format for the Route Alert
%SAVESTATSTICKCOUNT% Prints the number of ticks (ms) required during the last poll to save statistics to disk
%SAVESTATSTICKCOUNTAVG% Prints the average number of ticks (ms) required to save statistics to disk
%SERVER-AGENT% Server Agent Name
%SERVER-NAME% Server Name
%SERVER-OU% - Server OU name
%SERVER-SERVICE-DESCRIPTION% Server Service Description
%SERVER-SERVICE-DISPLAY-NAME% Server Service Display Name
%SERVER-URL% - direct link to individual sever page
%SESSION-OUTPUT% - all terminal output
%SSH-LOG% - libssh library log
%STATUS-COLOR% Prints “#008000” or “#FF0000” depending if there are any issues
%STATUS-ERR% Prints the configured error threshold level
%STATUS-PERCENT% Prints the current health percentage
%STATUS-RESULT% Prints “Good” or “Degraded” depending if there are any issues
%STATUS-UTIL% Prints the configured utilization threshold level
%SYSTEM-DAILY-ERRORS% Prints base64 encoding of the daily overall errors graph
%SYSTEM-DAILY-INTERFACES% Prints base64 encoding of the daily interfaces graph
%SYSTEM-DAILY-ISSUES% Prints base64 encoding of the daily overall issues graph
%SYSTEM-DAILY-UTIL% Prints base64 encoding of the daily aggregate utilization graph
%SYSTEM-MONTHLY-ERRORS% Prints base64 encoding of the monthly overall errors graph
%SYSTEM-MONTHLY-INTERFACES% Prints base64 encoding of the monthly interfaces graph
%SYSTEM-MONTHLY-ISSUES% Prints base64 encoding of the monthly overall issues graph
%SYSTEM-MONTHLY-UTIL% Prints base64 encoding of the monthly aggregate utilization graph
%SYSTEM-WEEKLY-INTERFACES% Prints base64 encoding of the weekly interfaces graph
%SYSTEM-WEEKLY-ISSUES% Prints base64 encoding of the weekly overall issues graph
%SYSTEM-WEEKLY-UTIL% Prints base64 encoding of the weekly aggregate utilization graph
%SYSTEM-WEEKLY-UTIL% Prints base64 encoding of the weekly overall errors graph
%SYSTEM-YEARLY-ERRORS% Prints base64 encoding of the yearly overall errors graph
%SYSTEM-YEARLY-INTERFACES% Prints base64 encoding of the yearly interfaces graph
%SYSTEM-YEARLY-ISSUES% Prints base64 encoding of the yearly overall issues graph
%SYSTEM-YEARLY-UTIL% Prints base64 encoding of the yearly aggregate utilization graph
%TIME% Prints current time
%TOPCOUNT% Prints the number of interfaces configured for the Top list
%TOPERRORS% Prints a text table of top interfaces with errors
%TOPERRORS*% Prints an HTML table of top interfaces with errors
%TOPJITTER% Prints a text table of the top devices with the highest daily jitter sorted by jitter
%TOPJITTER*% Prints an HTML table showing top devices with the highest daily jitter sorted by jitter
%TOPLATENCY% Prints a text table of the top devices with the highest daily latency sorted by latency
%TOPLATENCY*% Prints an HTML table showing top devices with the highest daily latency sorted by latency
%TOPLISTENERS% Prints a text table of top listeners
%TOPLISTENERS*% Prints an HTML table of top listeners
%TOPLOSS% Prints a text table to the top devices with the highest daily loss sorted by loss
%TOPLOSS*% Prints an HTML table showing top devices with the highest daily loss sorted by loss
%TOPRECEIVERS% Prints a text table of the top Interfaces with highest daily received rates
%TOPRECEIVERS*% Prints an HTML table showing the top Interfaces with highest daily received
%TOPTALKERS% Prints a text table of top talkers
%TOPTALKERS*% Prints an HTML table of top talkers
%TOPTRANSMITTERS% Prints a text table of the top interfaces with the most data transmitted by utilization
%TOPTRANSMITTERS*% Prints an HTML table showing the top interfaces with the most data
%URL-ADMINDOWN% Prints the full URL to the admin down page
%URL-DEVICE% Prints the full URL to the specified device page
%URL-FAVORITES% Prints the full URL to the favorites page
%URL-GRAPHICS% Prints the full URL to the graphics directory
%URL-HEALTH% Prints the full URL to the health page
%URL-HOME% Prints the full URL to the home page
%URL-INT% Prints the full URL to the specified interface page
%URL-ISSUES% Prints the full URL to the issues page
%URL-OPERDOWN% Prints the full URL to the oper down page
%URL-TOPERRORS% Prints the full URL to the top errors page
%URL-TOPJITTER% Prints the full URL to the current top devices with the highest daily jitter
%URL-TOPLATENCY% Prints the full URL to the current top devices with the highest daily latency
%URL-TOPLISTENERS% Prints the full URL to the top listeners page
%URL-TOPLOSS% Prints the full URL to the current top devices with the highest daily loss
%URL-TOPRECEIVERS% Prints the full URL to the current top receivers web page
%URL-TOPTALKERS% Prints the full URL to the top talkers page
%URL-TOPTRANSMITTERS% Prints the full URL to the current top transmitters web page
%VERSION% Prints the version of the program