TotalView interrogates Ethernet switches to learn which MAC addresses exist on each switch interface. Each MAC address is checked to see if it is associated with a VoIP equipment manufacturer to determine if it should be displayed on the Phones tab or not.
A MAC address is six bytes long. The first three bytes of a MAC address identifies the manufacturer of the device and is referred to as the OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier). PathSolutions TotalView references a lookup file to determine which MAC addresses are VoIP devices on the network.
The lookup file is named: C:\Program Files (86x)\PathSolutions\NetworkMonitor\OUIFilter.cfg
This file can be edited by a text editor like Notepad.
Each entry in the file references the MAC address prefix (OUI) and the VoIP device manufacturer’s name.
The OUIFilter.cfg file is not exhaustive, and may not represent all VoIP equipment manufacturers currently on the market.
If your network has VoIP devices that are not represented (or need to be removed), they can be added (or removed) to this configuration file.
Just add (or remove) the first three or more bytes of the MAC addresses that you desire to show up as well as the device manufacturer that should show up.
Save the file and then stop and re-start the PathSolutions TotalView service to have these new devices discovered on the Phones tab.
Also, the OUIFilter.cfg file allows you to enter more than the first three octets of a MAC address if necessary to narrow down the phones – or even a specific user’s phone.
For example:
00.10.49 ShoreTel This will show all ShoreTel phones in the environment Bob’s ShoreTel 230 This will identify a specific phone
If you have phones and network equipment that both use the same MAC prefix (OUI), then use the next digit to narrow it down:
00.23.1B.6A Cisco