You may be seeing white lines going from white to green to white or red dots going from red to green to red.

White lines means we did not get any SNMP response from the device.

The red dots mean that we did not get a response from the ping that we sent out. We send 2 pings before declaring the device as unresponsive. There may have a problem with packet loss to/from the device that is causing the 2 pings to fail.

We have 5 seconds to respond to the web browser’s request for information. If a device is up, we would send a ping and receive a response within 5 seconds so it’s easy to show that it’s green.

If we send a ping, we have to wait to see if we get a response. If we wait 2 seconds for the response and don’t get one, we can send a second ping and then wait 2 seconds to get a response again. If we don’t get a response from the second ping, then we should assume it is down.

By default, the program does 1 ping and then waits 2500ms (2.5 seconds) for a response. If it does not see a response, then it assumes it is down.

This can be CREATED and adjusted in the registry with the following variables to help improve the stability of the map:

Create the Entries in Bold below (right click on the background and create new DWORD entries exactly as shown below matching uppercase and lowercase)

On 64bit Windows OS:

On 32bit Windows OS:

DestWebMapPingRetries = 2
DestWebMapPingDelay = 1500

It should improve the reliability/stability of the pings on your network.

For fetching the SNMP information, the following registry variables apply:

DestWebMapSNMPRetries = 2
DestWebMapSNMPTimeout = 1000